Partial Knee Replacement

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What Is Partial Knee Replacement Surgery?

Partial knee replacement is a surgical procedure used to improve quality of life for adult patients who have early to mid-stage osteoarthritis (OA) that has not progressed to all three compartments of the knee. Partial knee replacement can be a good alternative to total knee replacement in these patients who still have some healthy tissue in the joint. Approximately 10 to 15% of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee may be candidates for a partial knee replacement. Implants may be placed in the following areas:

What Stage Is My Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative arthritis, is a gradual breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is a tough, flexible connective tissue that protects the ends of bones in the joints. Osteoarthritis is common in the knees because the knees bear the weight of the body. Osteoarthritis of the knee can severely impact a person’s lifestyle.

Only a physician can diagnose the stage of your osteoarthritis (OA). Also, keep in mind that there are many types of osteoarthritis. If you have not seen a physician for an evaluation, you can begin your path to treatment by Dr Manaswi. Providers may use these indicators to indicate OA in the knee:

Providers may use these indicators to indicate OA in the knee:
  • Pain while standing or walking short distances, climbing up or down stairs, o getting in and out of chairs
  • Pain with activity
  • Start up pain or stiffness when activities are initiated from sitting position
  • Joint stiffness after getting out of bed
  • Swelling in one or more areas of the knee
  • A grating sensation or crunching feelings in the knee during use

Again, partial knee replacement is a surgical procedure that may be appropriate for patients with early to mid-stage osteoarthritis. However, if you are experiencing any level of knee pain in Central Florida, see a physician for an evaluation, as other surgical and non-surgical therapies may be available to you.

Robotic Knee Replacement…Close to Home

Dr. Manaswi uses robotic-arm assisted surgical technology to perform many partial knee replacement procedures. This technology allows him to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible, as it improves precision in targeting the diseased portion of the knee. By keeping as much healthy bone and ligament tissue intact as possible, the robotic knee replacement approach may lead to better outcomes.

Find out what patients are saying about surgery with Dr. Manaswi!

What Happens In a Robotic-Arm Partial Knee Replacement?

First, the orthopedic surgeon will order a CT scan of your knee. This scan allows your surgeon to create a 3D computer model of the joint, which will be used for surgical planning. During the procedure, with the aid of the 3D model and the robotic-arm, the surgeon will secure an implant in the joint so that the knee can move smoothly again. Many patients walk soon after surgery, and are able to drive a car and return to their normal activities in just a few weeks following surgery. Hospital stays are typically quite brief following this procedure. Your knee surgeon will be able to give you more specific information based on the details of your overall health and the condition of your knee.

Potential Benefits of Robotic-Arm Partial Knee Replacement

Potential benefits of this approach to partial knee replacement may include:
  • Rapid relief from pain
  • Quick return to the activities you enjoy
  • More natural-feeling knee post-op
  • More rapid recovery and shorter hospital stay (when compared to traditional knee replacement surgery)

Keep in mind, results may vary from patient to patient. Talk to Dr Manaswi for more information.

Make an appointment with Dr. Manaswi today at 3 convenient locations!